Slime Of The Earth
A biographical cartoon from autumn 1978 of my late college days; four housemates inspired by the antics of Gilbert Shelton's Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. The political correctness of these depictions is left to the discretion of the viewer. The appropriateness of the aliases in this cartoon in protecting the current reputations of the other protagonists remains justified. As of this writing, we 4 are all still alive and well, 40+ years later (FH's fate being unknown, however). Speaking only for myself, I remain grateful for not only that, but also for the continuing opportunity to laugh at our absurdity. They were extraordinary times.
This is not the original; I'm not sure where that copy currently is. It is, however, a very faithful reproduction, the original having been photocopied and meticulously drawn over by myself many years ago and then scanned and photo-shopped for clarity just prior to this posting.
Eternal gratitude to Nutsy for the documentation into (now digital) posterity.
Terry - October 2020
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